



Shaping your customers' minds.


To help movements, initaitives and brands scale.


By utilising real time data analyses, behavioural modeling and AI.


To perfect both your product and proposition.


Designing data aggreagation systems and metodology

We help you both shape and create ideas in the minds of your customers:
  • Gather relevant leads based on defined criteria
  • Establish custom communication link
  • Deliver carefully crafted communication to achieve desired results
Contact us

Convincing done at scale



Target the message
We all have our internal reasons to believe something, follow someone or buy a product. However, these reasons remain hidden, sometimes even to our own conscious minds. Unlock the potential of true inner needs identification and deliver your message to people that are most likely to buy into it, with our proprietary advanced targeting solutions and methodology.


Analyse the insights
It is often said that actions define us as a person, rather than words do. Gather insights from peoples ‘actions and behaviour by obtaining crystal clear insight into your target audience, its problems, size, and effectiveness of your communication with the help of our tools and metrics.


Adapt your strategy
Why does it take much longer and requires a lot of supervision to learn how to properly lift weights compared to relative ease and autonomy of learning how to swim? The secret is immediate feedback that water provides instead of a coach. Utilise real time feedback collected from our campaigns to improve your communication and propositions for your target audience to gain support easier and faster than ever before.


4-month political campaign without offline activities

In an online campaign for municipal election, we have collected credentials of 16,23% of entire pool of eligible voters in a given election district. Thanks to our communication 85% of collected contacts confirmed they voted for our candidate in a subsequent survey. All in all, we have managed to grow candidates support by 17%.
Apart from our online campaign candidate did very little offline or other promotional and marketing activities.
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Landslide victory despite lower online spend?

Online ads are not only about ad spend, since the amount of visibility you get from your ads depends on quality of messaging and targeting. By improved targeting and message delivery we can achieve significantly better result for our clients, despite spending less money. Even though our candidate spent less money on online campaign than opposing candidate he won the election by 55% margin.
When Suggestics took over the online communication, candidate was in a steady month-to-month decline in polls. After first month of cooperation we have managed to reverse the trend and grew by 14%. No change in offline communication of a candidate was made during the observed period.
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Take control of communication and narrative with us

Do you have any questions? Suggestics team is always ready to help and jump on a call to find the best solution for your brand, movement or initiative. We’d love to hear from you.